New book review posted on Goodreads!
This time I've read Attila Veres' "The Black Maybe" - a collection of (mainly) Lovecraftian horror stories taking place in the kind of Hungary one would like to stay out of. Overall great stuff!
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This time I've read Attila Veres' "The Black Maybe" - a collection of (mainly) Lovecraftian horror stories taking place in the kind of Hungary one would like to stay out of. Overall great stuff!
#bookstodon #HorrorBooks #horrorlibrary #attilaveres #goodreads
Jan Kjellin's review of The Black Maybe
4/5: Things don't start off that good. The opening story, "To bite a dog", doesn't do anything for me and I begin to worry that I shouldn't have trusted the opinion of Anders Fager, who posted on Facebook how impressed he was with the book, just beca…
Over the past couple of years I've been rereading the Stephen King novels I read and loved during my teen years, to see if I still feel the same about them. So far, I've read 12 books, out of which I really liked three. Another three were pretty bad (but still ok) and six were pretty much standard class horror/suspense novels.
My three top King novels so far are "Misery", "Cujo" and "Skeleton Crew" (with "The Mist" as it's stand out masterpiece).
What Stephen King novels would you pick for your top three?
Tags: #StephenKing #bookstodon #reading #rereading #rereadingstephenking
My three top King novels so far are "Misery", "Cujo" and "Skeleton Crew" (with "The Mist" as it's stand out masterpiece).
What Stephen King novels would you pick for your top three?
Tags: #StephenKing #bookstodon #reading #rereading #rereadingstephenking
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
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Kvällens recension: "Tvekampen" av David Morrell. (Kanske mest känd som boken bakom actionrullen "First Blood" med Sylvester Stallone...)
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#bookstodon #bokrecension #bokcirkel #DavidMorrell #FirstBlood
Jan Kjellin's review of Tvekampen
3/5: Jag pendlar mellan fyran och trean i betygsättningen av den här romanen. Det är en bladvändare av rang, våldsam och om inte spännande så åtminstone
Ben! (Boo!)
Ben! (Boo!)
•Also while I love the 70s series and own it physically, the Kurt Barlow of the book is cunning, articulate and even sporting
Janne likes this.
On the other hand I think I might enjoy it more as an adult, just because of that. ;)
Ben! (Boo!) likes this.
Stephen King Journey
•My top 3 so far: The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, The Stand and Doctor Sleep (that last one I did read out of order but I did so right after The Shining so that the background was fresh in my head).
Which ones did you find terrible?
Janne likes this.
"It" was my all time favorite horror novel from the time I read it as a teenager up until I re-read it a couple of years ago. It's probably just the contrast of remembering it as the most terrifying thing I've ever read (I had nightmares about the scene in the junkyard with the refrigerator), to being "just another horror novel".
"The Stand". Just finished that one. I never really connected with the characters or bought into the whole religious/christian duality of good vs evil - or any of the supernatural elements for that matter. This had been so much more interesting if Randall Flagg had been a regular person.
"Firestarter" felt like a dime-a-dozen suspension novel with some supernatural elements thrown in for good measure.
Todd Hensley
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