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Today I finally learned why the Library Radio (or pretty much all radio features) in #Plexamp stopped working after I had to restart my #Plex server after failing to move it from my old WD MyCloud Home NAS to the new #Synology NAS.

#Reddit kept suggesting it was a problem with the settings for where to imports metatags from (local media and/or the Plex scanner), but no matter how I tried, it didn't work. I spent a lot of time and frustration refreshing the metatags for my music library until a random user on the forum mentioned the radio algorithm is based on song popularity - and I had disabled that because I wanted to be the one deciding what's popular or not.

Turned it on and it worked instantly. :)
Yes, we use popularity as a signal for a the radios, and for smart shuffle in general (along with other things).

Thanks for using Plexamp!
@Elan Feingold I've been using Plexamp since I got my Plex Pass. Before that, I only used Plex for streaming movies and doing the occasional slideshow. It's a great way to listen to my own record collection, and the library radio is awesome, (even though I prefer the more random approach).

Btw, give my best to whoever's responsible for programming the amazing auto transitions between tracks (when using the radio). They're usually so good I stop doing whatever it is I'm doing, just to listen to them. ;)
We do too! Glad you’re enjoying Sweet Fades.